Yamaha CFX is piano of choice for Pierre-Laurent Aimard's London Messiaen centenary concerts

Pierre-Laurent Aimard comments
‘Choosing exactly the right instrument is critical for a successful performance and depends on a number of factors including the repertoire and the acoustics of the hall.  The relationship between the piano technician and the performer is also an essential part of the equation as is the open-mindedness of both pianist and technician to exploring the variety of sound worlds which different pianos present.’

He is widely regarded as Messiaen’s finest living interpreter and knew the composer personally. Pierre-Laurent performed Messiaen Couleurs de la Cité Celeste with the London Symphony Orchestra under Sir Simon Rattle at the Barbican, and also a performance of Messiaen Vingt regards sur l'enfant-Jésus at Milton Court Concert Hall. The London Symphony Orchestra concert was broadcast live on BBC Radio 3 and live streamed on Mezzo, affirming the international significance of the event.
Pierre-Laurent Aimard enjoys a global reputation as a brilliant and creative explorer of new music and Messiaen has been a constant presence throughout his career, and it’s unlikely that a more accomplished centenary tribute to the composer will take place.
Aimard’s technical virtuosity perfectly complements Messiaen’s ornamental writing, symbolised by exceptional voicing and intense sobriety.
Yamaha’s CFX also perfectly matches the composer’s works producing meticulously graded dynamic sound and a brilliant combination of space and resonance.
Messiaen became a towering force and influence in the history of music composition; he did not hail from any particular style or format, instead forming and creating his own totally individual musical voice. He achieved this by creating his own 'modes of limited transposition', taking rhythmic ideas from around the world including India , ancient Greece and the orient and most importantly adapting the songs of birds from around the world.
