Derrin Nauendorf


Derrin Nauendorf

Derrin’s maturing taste for melody and lyric drew him to explore roots and acoustica in a more sophisticated way -- culminating in the release of 1999’s `Natural`. Buoyed by the acclaim and respect that this CD earned him, Derrin focused on what has become his life -- real music with a never say die determination.

David Downing, 34, has always been hitting things. From his earliest memories, getting a groove out of anything was always a priority. Technically trained but wary of convention, David played in many different acts to develop into an accompanist beyond the role of conventional drummers. A chance meeting with Derrin at a bush pub in Australia spawned a plan -- to work hard to do the best they could.

Derrin and David decided on England. With one support gig, a tonne of enthusiasm and plenty of desperation, they landed at Heathrow with a guitar, a ramshackle home made percussion rig and plenty of warm clothes. Steadily many people understood their music and ethos and during three years have played 500 shows in England, Scotland, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, France and Australia. Little by little, they have earned the respect and friendship of musicians, promoters, agents and venue proprietors. And, most importantly, a dedicated fanbase.

Their success is based on honesty and fairness and fuelled by the response audiences have to their work. They are self-managed with a view to maintaining and developing long term relationships with organisations and people who operate with the same principles.

Derrin and David embody the principles on which real music is built -- uncompromising to their musical beliefs and ready for the long fight to achieve global success.