Salvador Francés

With a network of Artist Centres and Ateliers around the world, Yamaha works with leading players to support their performances and develop instrument designs and new ideas for the benefit of all musicians. Yamaha Artists share with us a passion for inspiring the next generation of players, and a belief that everybody should be encouraged to nurture their talent, connect with others and tell their stories through music.

Get to know Yamaha Artist and clarinet player Salvador Francés

How does your instrument improve your daily life as a musician? 

Security, confidence, a lot of tranquility when playing, it has a clear, warm sound, with a lot of body, easy to project, to be able to make great contrasts of dynamics, a lot of agility with the key mechanism.

How would you characterise your instrument?

The quality, of course, I think they are instruments of a very high level of construction, made with a wood and a mechanism that gives an exquisite warmth to the sound in all registers. The ease of emission and projection of sound, for example, you can make spectacular pianissimos filling the whole room and reaching the last seat.

When and how did you first come into contact with Yamaha?

In 1993, as a result of some international music courses that took place in my hometown. YAMAHA came to these courses for an exhibition of instruments and that was the first time I met them, since then I have never stopped playing with YAMAHA.

Who was your most influential teacher and is there any advice which you still follow?

Without a doubt it has been JOSEP FUSTER, with whom I began to study in 1992 and whom I have always had as a reference in every way, both professionally and personally, and of course, I have always tried to follow his methodology and apply it to my students.

Advice for a young musician:

To persevere in the work and study of the instrument, if they really want to dedicate themselves to this very rewarding profession, even if they encounter adversity, and not to doubt their ability to achieve important achievements.
Above all, that he enjoys what he does every day.