Yamaha In-store Music System Advisor (YIMSA)
Yamaha In-store Music System Advisor (YIMSA) is an online tool that can quickly estimate the system of speakers and amplifiers required to successfully deliver music throughout a store. The tool recommends an optimal system based on conditions entered concerning store size, atmosphere, and so on.
Enter basic information such as store type, desired music volume, etc.
Check the music systems recommended based on the information entered in Step 1. Two speaker model configurations ([Best] or [Good]) are displayed.
Check a summary of the recommendations offered based on the selection made in Step 2.
* Click the [?] sign shown in the tool to obtain a more detailed explanation of the parameters.
* Valid “store size” setting values are: [Width] 5 m to 20 m (16.43 ft - 65.64 ft), [Height] 2.2 m to 5 m (7.22 ft - 16.43 ft).
* Subwoofer icons are not shown in the illustration of speaker layout in the Step2/Step3. More information is available by clicking the [?] sign of that section.
* The most suitable models from the VXS/VXC/VXH series speakers and MA/PA series amplifiers will be recommended.
Store Type
Store Atmosphere
Music Volume
Speaker Installation
Music Quality
Store Size
Speakers Recommended for You
Music System Recommended for You
Main Speakers | VXC4 | 00 unit | Descriptions of Main Speakers |
Subwoofers | VXS105S | 00 unit | Descriptions of Subwoofers |
Amplifier (for Main Speakers) | MA2030 | 00 unit | Descriptions of Amprifiers (for Main Speakers) |
Amplifier (for Subwoofers) | MA2120 | 00 unit | Descriptions of Amprifiers (for Subwoofers) |
Expansion Amplifier (for Main Speakers) | PA2030 | 00 unit | Descriptions of Expansion Amprifiers (for Main Speakers) |
Expansion Amplifier (for Subwoofers) | PA2120 | 00 unit | Descriptions of Expansion Amprifiers (for Subwoofers) |
Amplifier and Speaker Combinations
Entered System Parameters
Store Type | アパレル |
Store Atmosphere | おだやか |
Music Volume | 普通 |
Speaker Installation | 隠したい |
Music Quality | スタンダード |
Store Size | 5 m x 8 m Appropriate height at which to hang speaker 2.8 m |
Music System Recommended for You |
Illustration of Main Speaker Layout
Entered System Parameters
Store Type | アパレル |
Store Atmosphere | おだやか |
Music Volume | 普通 |
Speaker Installation | 隠したい |
Music Quality | スタンダード |
Store Size | 5 m x 8 m Appropriate height at which to hang speaker 2.8 m |
Music System Recommended for You |